Healthy Breakfast With Energen

29 March 2015

Energen Healthy Breakfast

Energen get MURI appreciation on record "Breakfast In Unison on the location and the most people".

As part of National Breakfast Week 2015, Energen - Mayora Nutrition cooperation with PERGIZI FOOD Indonesia, launched the "Healthy Breakfast Before 9 am Movement" with 25.000 participants in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Makassar to have breakfast together and in unison and get the Muri appeciation  for breakfast together in large number of participants in Indonesia.

Health Minister of RI advices: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day that can support the ability to think, work, and optimal physical activity and prevent nutritional deficiency or excess. So through Permenkes, No. 41/2015 on Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition, determined that one of the 10 messages balanced nutrition is breakfast. "

To cover the problem 7 of 10 Indonesian children who have lack Nutrition for breakfast, let's celebrate National Breakfast Week 2015 and supported with the National Movement for Healthy Breakfast before 9 am.